Friday 23 January 2015

You miss me?

You're probably wondering where in the whole world have I've been? Why did I just disappear for three months or so? And why am I back?

I've been wondering the same things myself. Really, it's been hard.

Starting by saying, I'm terribly sorry. It never was my intention to disappear as totally as I did. I thought I could manage two post per month, but not even that happened. My plans went straight to hell.

You see, throughout the months of September, October, November and December, my days were filled with craziness all over. I had what we call Gaitas in my country, which is kind of like Christmas carols but not so Christmas and more rhythm and flexibility. Thing is, I was in my school group for the competitions, that ran out through November and December. This whole thing needed practice, and that's what I've been doing for the past ten months.

Once the competitions started, my life became a total mess with all the stuff I was doing at the same time. I nearly broke in half a few times but I managed to get out alive. You see, we had competitions every weekend and sometimes on weekdays. And it wasn't just one, it was several competitions. And they were festivals, so of course I stayed and enjoyed. That meant, less time for me to do stuff. All this made me almost go crazy and I wanted to quit a few times, but it was definitely the best times of my life.

Being busy like crazy and not having time to do all the things I had to do, blogging went down in the priorities list, almost out of it. Reason why I never posted a thing in this whole months.

Was I completely out of free time? No, I did have some free time, but I took those mostly for sleeping, thing that I lacked a lot during those days, or to reading. You see, I'm a big reader, but I'm responsible too. Of course, this whole thing affected my reading completely. I read a total of four books during those months. And that's incredibly low considering I used to read at least four books per month.

Now, back to January, I'm free of Gaitas duties. I'm still trying to settle back to my normal life. But now I do have time for reading and for writing for this blog.

Hence this post.

I'm now starting "fresh", in a way. I've redesigned my blog and found a few things that I wanted to change. And most importantly, I'm forgetting about all the things I did or didn't do last year and just focusing on making them this year. I didn't exactly intend this to be like a New Year's resolution, but January is the time where I finally am free, so New Year's resolution it is.

I'm going back to my reviews and monthly bookmarks. Also, I'm retaking my Austen Project. I'm going to be reading and watching Sense and Sensibility for the month of January, as it was the first book that I intended to read. I did read it in the month that corresponded back then but I never got to review it or the movies, so it'll be as if I started it in January.

Also, I'll be reading pre-realese books (provided by NetGalley) and doing some publicity on them. Because I just feel like it.

And maybe I'll add a few things along the way.

The important things is that I'm back and not planning to disappear anywhere on the near future. I'm here to stay.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart if you forgive me for my absence and for reading this until the end. I hope you stick with me and join me through my year in books.

PD: Starting January 31st, I'll be starting with my Project Austen post and then on Frebruary 1st the Monthly Bookmarks and reviews ;)

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